
Entity Definition

Logical Name : GroupResourceAccess
Physical Name : CO_ACS_GP_RS

Defines the Resources that can be performed by any Operator that is a member of the nominated WorkGroup on any Workstation.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
WorkGroupID (FK)(PK) A unqiue system assigned identifier for a set of Operators with similar resource access control permissions. ID_GP_WRK Identity integer WorkGroup(CO_GP_WRK)
ResourceID (FK)(PK) A unqiue system assigned identifier for the action to which access may be granted to some Operators and Workstations. ID_RS Identity integer Resource(PA_RS)
GroupReadAccessLevelFlag A flag to indicate whether read access is granted to the referenced GROUP for the corresponding RESOURCE identified in this record. FL_ACS_GP_RD Code2 char(2)
GroupWriteAccessLevelFlag A flag to signify whether write access is granted to the referenced GROUP for the corresponding RESOURCE identified in this record. FL_ACS_GP_WR Code2 char(2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Resource is accessed by GroupResourceAccess
WorkGroup is granted access through GroupResourceAccess

Logical Views containing GroupResourceAccess

Logical View
Logical 06210 - Access Control - Rules View
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View